Monday, December 24, 2007


Someday I will return to this.

Today probably isn't that day.
Though it couldn't hurt to add some older things to it.

For now I just can't write like I used to. And by "like I used to" I mean I was out doing things like going to annoying shows and reporting things no one wanted to hear about, making a point not to really mention anyone byname, or doing drugs and sitting at meg's computer cuz mine didn't have the internet (before it got stolen..) while we watched stupid tv.
We'll we haven't lived with each other for over a year now, and I've been off of drugs mostly for some time as well. You learn to get over it.

The minutemen documentary ("we jam econo") is on IFC right now, I have watched it before and I'll watch it again. Still waiting on that germs "what we do is secret" biopic, imagine I'll just re-read "Lexicon Devil" yet again.

I take back the mean things I said about throbbing gristle. TG2 actually sounds pretty good. I still don't own it, though really I havent bought more than 2 or 3 records this year.

There you have it. The boring monotony my life has become? Sure.
Fuck you over and out,


less_cunning said...

aw man what did you say about TG?

kris n. said...