Friday, March 03, 2006

on the word "blog"

First off -- one of the reasons i stayed away from the world of "blogging" for so long because I think it's just dumb. But I think i'll have some fun with this, now that i actually started one I thin i'll make it worthwhile.

ANOTHER reason I dont like it is becauswe it reminds me of some obscene sex act--not anything good, but something more along the lines of a "dirty sanchez" or a "cleavland steamer"....
do you need some examples some examples? okay, here:

"Hey there, lookin' good... can I blog you tonight?"

"Hey baby wanna blog?"

"Then things were gettin pretty extreme-- I mean like hot and heavy.. then all the sudden, out of nowhere she TOTALLY blogged me."

stream of consciousness.

That belonged to William "Willlie" Nelson. Do you have a drink? I'd like one, thanks.I would love to have something floating around down there. I haven't seen anything fo WEEKS on end. I just dropped the cigarette on my t-shirt but it didn't burn through. I also heard a human voice that said "hummm... last night."

(This is what unintntional sleep deprivation does to you sometimes.)